100 Indonesian children
sitting quietly on the floor
20 teachers, some volunteers,
some paid, sit on the floorbehind the students.
“Pak Ruslan, Ibu Cedar,
would you like to sit in chairs?”
The Principal, a lovely kind smart man,
Karim, begins the assembly by telling
the children that he is proud of them
and giving examples
He introduces Ren and me, saying
“I was just being born when Pak Ruslan
was getting his Ph.D.!”
Most of the teachers and all the other volunteers
are in their 20s and early 30s
and have a good time hanging out together
and are also very thoroughly prepared teachers
They are given time during the school day
do some preparatory work
The room is lit up with smiles
They sing a few songs
The children are so happy to be in this school
I am treated respectfully as an experienced teacher,
but I feel totally unclear about what to do–
winging it, you could say!
My first class is 15 surprisingly boisterous 7th graders
for social studies
Their last term’s teacher is assisting
so that she can learn more about handling the class
from ME!
Yikes. I’m an elementary school teacher
with training from 1966. I was not expecting
7th graders…boisterous around the world, I think.
To my relief, they speak remarkably good English
and we muddle along with my telling them
a few words I’m learning in Bahasa,
playing a get-to-know-you game or two
Wouldn’t you know it, I left elementary school teaching
because I couldn’t manage the discipline…
now, I get to try again
My next class is as opposite as they come
Six 6th graders who are so shy and fearful of speaking
in English that I use up my entire battery of games
and questions in the first half hour–
more winging it
I’m totally excited though
and already delighted with the children
Our maid, Surya, is very lovely
today while we were at work
she washed our clothes,
made the bed, swept the floor
did the dishes, bought us some food
and cooked a lovely dinner for us
that she left out on the counter
It is extremely hot for me
especially during the hours of 10-4
when no one goes out
At four, we go swim in the pool,
a refreshing treat.
Coolest place in the cottage
is on the screened porch under the fan
Ren is having an easier time
because he spent so many years in Hawaii
It is a wonderful, happy school
completely centered around teaching
good character, wholeness ethics,
right uses of power.